mediaset play antonio polato


Since March 2019 I have been worked in Mediaset Infinity’s Content Factory, carrying out the following activities:

• Creation of multi-branding videos linked to television programs broadcast on Mediaset networks for the Mediaset Infinity platform;

• Copywriting for Mediaset Infinity and Verissimo Magazine;

• Creation of new contents and formats for Mediaset Play Cult;

• Elaboration of the editorial plan for the social channels (Facebook and Instagram) of Mediaset Play Cult.

This experience allows me to:

• understand and manage editorial products related to the TV schedule;

• understand and manage web self-products such as interviews and video chats;

• refine the aptitude for team work.

I work in an editorial office that has the task of writing short articles (called “cards”) to accompany the videoclips in order to optimize them for SEO and to create short original videos designed for use on the move.

For each article, the job consists in researching the keywords in trend and summarizing in a simple and clear way a news from an SEO perspective. Click here to read an example of the 20 years of Big Brother.

I also deal with providing real-time coverage of the television programs broadcast at that time, such as Mattino Cinque, Pomeriggio Cinque, Grande Fratello Vip and L’Isola dei Famosi. Click here to read an example written for Pomeriggio Cinque.

I also take care of all the stages of video design, made with Wochit, from the conception of the storytelling, to the selection of the material to be included up to the narrative structure to be adopted, including the musical choices and the copy. Here are some examples made in 2019.

Play Cult was born in December 2018 following the digitization process of the catalog of Mediaset programs from the 1980s onwards, previously archived in analog format. The project aims to reproduce the best moments in Mediaset’s history through the selection of clips from the most popular programs.

My task is to enter the digitized archive of Mediaset, watch the episodes of some programs in full (“Bim Bum Bam”, “Mai dire Gol”, “Popcorn”, “Superclassifica Show” and “Grand Hotel”) and select of the clips to be loaded onto the platform.

An example above all: some newspapers such as the Huffington Post and TgCom24 also talked about the video by Paolo Bonolis who talks about the women’s national football team during an episode of Bim Bum Bam in the 1980s.

I also manage the Facebook and Instagram pages of the Play Cult brand.

Finally, I make some videos on pop culture of the eighties and nineties following all the creative phases. Here are some examples from 2019.

Client name:
Mediaset - R.T.I. Reti Televisive Italiane
Cologno Monzese (MI)